The Sustainable Preservation Initiative (SPI) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to preserving the world's cultural heritage by providing transformative and sustainable economic opportunities to local communities. SPI is focused on countries in the developing world, more particularly those that are not part by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development as well as Mexico, Greece and Turkey, . SPI seeks to encourage and develop sustainable economic development in the communities surrounding archaeological sites by aiding in the development of locally-owned businesses that maximize the spending of dollars in these communities and regions. Some manufacturing industries are aided as well, including local artisans. SPI's projects provide a TWO for the price of ONE benefit: they create viable economic opportunities for the local residents while saving archaeological sites for future generations to study and enjoy.
According to Felix Salmon of Reuters SPI is about taking archaeological sites and "sites in poor countries and making them generate cash for the locals — thereby giving them a real monetary incentive (rather than a high-minded lecture) aimed at preserving archeological treasures". SPI is presently active in Peru, Jordan and Armenia. The SPI mantra is "Saving Sites by Transforming Lives". The program's executive director is archaeologist Larry Coben. SPI was incubated at the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at the University of California, Los Angeles and the Archaeological Institute of America.
In a recent report, the Milken Institute called for the adoption of SPI's model by the state of Israel in order to better protect that country's cultural heritage